Dreaming in Sounds by Jake Day
At night when I lay in bed and try to keep my mind from racing. I think of music. Lights and colors flow across the inside of my eyelids. It’s only when I start to think about the world as it is today that I begin to lose track of the sound and fury of my mind’s orchestra.
During every hard time in my life I have had music. It is something no one can take away. I’ve found myself sitting, technically in silence, for hours before I’ve realized how long I’ve been making music in my head to pass the time. I like to think that I am no different from anyone else. So if I do something so often that it becomes normal for me. I seem to think that other people are doing the same thing. Even though that is not usually the case.
So when the world seems to slow to a crawl and we are left to our own devices. Why not make music? It can just be in your head, or humming , or whistling, or finger drums…
I’ve been thinking about the show “Fat Albert”, but let’s just forget about who wrote it for an instant. It was a group of friends that filled their days with helping others, exercise, and music. They would walk around their town, and were almost constantly filling their days with music to pass the time.
I just think that would be nice. Even if today you might have to use skype or a phone call split 3-5 ways. It is still achievable to spread love and happiness through music, or making a combination art piece, or playing Settlers of Catan, or just being together while not actually together…. I’m getting off topic, but in times like this. I have very little control of my scatter-brain.
Music can do anything. It can fill your empty, or way too full, house with whatever sound you like. Bringing joy or sadness or solace or passion. Music is the key to surviving any situation. No matter what you are feeling. There is always a song that can bring you into the light.